Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Sweden - Stockholm

Zambian Scholars at World Scholars’ Cup 2024


19th July 2024

The Zambian Scholars from St. Ignatius College in Lusaka were among thousands of Scholars who participated at the 2024 World Scholar’s Cup, which was held from 12th -18th July 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden.  The Global Round event attracted thousands of participants from various countries, with Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda being the only African countries. The Global Event created a great opportunity for the Scholars to interact and showcase their cultural products and indigenous foods. The Embassy of the Republic of Zambia were in attendance to give moral support and provide the Zambian foods to the Zambian Scholars at the cultural night.

Her Excellency, Gladys Neven Lundwe, at the 2024 World Scholar’s Cup, thanking the organisers and congratulating the Zambian participants for making it to the 2024 Global Round.

The Zambian Scholars exhibiting Zambian products and food at the cultural night, held at the Raddison Blu Waterfront Hotel in Stockholm, on Monday, 15th July, 2024.

St. Ignatius Senior Scholars paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador at the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Presentation of Credentials – Iceland

Her Excellency Ms. Gladys Neven Lundwe, presented her Letters of Credence to His Excellency Mr. Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson, President of the Republic