Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Sweden - Stockholm



1 December 2023 – Kolding, Denmark

The Ambassador met with the Operations Manager of BlueKolding, a company focussed on the environment, energy and climate. The Manger explained that BlueKolding is inspired by the concept of “a Blue Economy”, which borders on turning Green waste to Blue useful products. Hence the company is constantly working to find new ways of exploiting the resources in wastewater and improving the processes for cleaning it and producing power-energy, gas and fertiliser. 

In view of the foregoing, the Ambassador encouraged the company to consider investing in Zambia where there was huge potential for the business to grow due to the abundant wastewater resources and market for power-energy, gas and fertiliser. The Ambassador stated that Zambia was also endowed with abundant arable land coupled with favourable climate conditions, which support annual farming activities of various cash crops.

At Bluekolding Water Company

The Ambassador further explained that electricity generation in Zambia was dependent on hydro power, which was the most important energy source followed by diesel and Coal. Meanwhile, the country is usually faced with intermittent supply of hydro power at both household and industrial level because the major hydro plant is old and its capacity can no longer meet the demands of the increased population and industrialisation over the years. However, there was still a huge unexploited potential of hydro power due to the abundant water resources, thereby providing an opportunity for investment in hydro power generation. 

The Ambassador added that the demand for electricity in Zambia has continued to grow due to increased economic activities in the Country, especially in the Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Mining sectors. Further that, the Country’s growing population has also led to an increase in the demand for other sources of energy such as petroleum for transportation as well as solar energy for domestic use, especially in rural areas. The state-owned electricity company (ZESCO) is the only entity that generates and transmits power, while other companies procure power from ZESCO for resell to mainly the mines. 

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